ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 3. 19. 19:48


Q. <그는 스펙이 좋아>영어로 올바르게 옮긴 것은?.

A.  He has good qualifications.


K         Introduce yourself.

S          My name is Sun Kim.

K         Why should I hire you?

S          I have great qualifications. I went to EGG University and my major was radio hosting.

K         You’re hired.



Q. <난 벽난로가 있는 집을 샀어> 자연스러운 표현은?

A.  I bought a house with a fireplace.




K          You look so upset. Whats up?

S          I bought a house with a fireplace!

K          Thats nice. You should be happy.

S          But guess what! Its in the Sahara Desert!

K          A fireplace in the Sahara Desert? Dont tell me youre serious.

S          I got swindled!




Q. <(경기에서) 난 널 이길 수 있어> 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

A.  I can beat you.




K          Hey, Mike Tyson! I can beat you. You’re nothing!

S          You can beat me? Try me!

K          Beating people like you is my middle name!

S          Put on your gloves and come and beat me! By the way, what’s your name?

K          My name is Alpha Go. I’m talking about a go match with you, not bo




Q. <이 아파트는 비었어요> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  This apartment is vacant.



K          So, Kevin Bacon used to live in this vacant apartment.

S          Yes, it’s vacant now.

K          How come no one wants to live in this beautiful place?

S          The landlord is so picky. If you get caught cooking bacon, you get kicked out.



Q. <그 주인공은 영화 끝에 성공해> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  The main character in the movie succeeds at the end.



K           Did you see the movie Kris in La La Land?

S            Yeah. I cried my eyes out. Especially when he dies at the end of the movie.

K           What? What are you talking about? He finally manages to marry his girlfriend at the end.

S            What Im saying is everyone dies someday.



Q. <홈페이지 있나요?> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  Do you have a website?



K          Hey, do you have a website?

S          Yes. It’s www.sunkimrocks.com.

K          What’s it about?

S          It features my photos, me swimming, me tanning...

K          What you mean is the site is full of graphic pictures.



Q. <내가 먼저 말했어> 영어로 올바르게 옮긴 것은?

A.  I said it first.



K          I think Im in love with Junghwa. Shes gorgeous.

S          Tell me about it! Im asking her out.

K          Hey! I said it first! Shes my date!

S          How dare you (to) say that! Besides, she likes mature men like me


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