ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)

EBS- English Go Go (편집01)

2018. 3. 14. 21:05


Q. <이건 공짜입니다> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요

A.  It’s free.




K         How much is this house?

S          It’s free. Take it.

K         No kidding.

S          True. It’s believed to be haunted...

K         We love haunted houses, right, sis?

S          Who are you, ladies?

K         I’m Jang-hwa, and my sister is Hong-ryon.










Q. <저기요, 경찰님!> 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요
A.  Excuse me, officer!


K         Excuse me, officer!

S          Yes, how can I help you?

K         Someone’s trying to break into my house!

S          Stay calm.

K         He’s in! He’s... a skunk!!

S          You’re not supposed to touch it.

K         He... passed gas! I’m losing consciousness...

S          Stay focused! Slow, deep breaths!!









Q. <직접 만나고 싶다> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  I want to meet you in person.



K         Jenny! I want to meet you in person. We’ve been chatting online for two years, and I don’t even know what you look like!

S          Kris... to tell you the truth...I’m A.I.

K         American Independence?

S          No...Artificial Intelligence, you dummy....

K         It doesn’t matter. I’ll meet you in person no matter what!

S          What if I refuse?

K         Then... I’ll pull the plug!










Q. <지금 새벽 2시야> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  It’s 2 in the morning.





K         It’s 2 in the morning. I called you millions of times, and you didn’t answer. I’m so angry I’m about to hit you.

S          I had a drink with Hyun Kim. He’s so depressed....

K         That handsome guy? What’s wrong with him?

S          Ladies in the world just won’t leave him alone..






Q. <시간 다 됐다>영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

A.  Time is up.





K         I’ll give you 3 seconds to confess. Who did this? 3..2...

S          I’d rather die! I will say nothing!

K         1.... Time’s up.

S          You want the truth?! You can’t handle the truth!!

K         Who said I’m computer illiterate?? Who!!

S          Over my dead body....








Q. <여기 정확히 3시까지 와> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  Be here by 3 sharp.



K         Hurry up. Finish eating quick!

S          Hey! Let me have my fried chicken.

K         This restaurant closes at twelve a.m. sharp!

S          Why?

K         Because the chef turns into a rat, the kitchen turns into a pumpkin... Yes, it’s run by Cinderella








Q. <제 캐리어를 분실했어요> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  I lost my suitcase.



K         Airport Police. How can I hep you?

S          Sir, I lost my suitcase.

K         Describe the contents of the bag.

S          So rude of you to ask me that kind of personal question!!






Q. <이거 복사 좀 해> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  Make a copy of this.




K         Hey, go make a copy of this.

S          Who are you to order me to do this and that?

K         Umm... I’m your boss?

S          That’s exactly what I’m saying. I just wanted to double check the fact you’re my boss!

K         Go! Make a copy quick! Chop chop! on the double!






Q. <내 휴대폰으로 전화 걸어> 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

A.  Call me on my phone.




K         I don’t know where my phone is.

S          You want me to call you on your cell phone?

K         Yes, please... and it’s ringing...

S         And it’s ringing... from your stomach!

K         Oh, it’s so tiny I didn’t even know it was my phone when I accidentally swallowed it.

S          It’s that small?

K         Sure. It’s made by Bill Gates... it’s so micro... and soft...





Q. <나 지금 티비 나왔다> 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요?

A.  I’m on TV now.




K         Isn’t that you on TV right now?

S          Yes, that’s me on TV. I’m a minor celebrity now.

K         What’s going on?

S          I got caught redhanded jaywalking... I got caught on a TV camera...

K         Wow! I Can I get your autograph?




Q. <불꺼! (화재)> 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

A.  Put out the fire!

K         The roof, the roof is on fire!

S          Then put it out!

K         No, I was just singing a song.

S          Dang it. You know the story about crying wolf, right?

K         What about you? You set fire on every girl’s heart.

S          Look who’s talking.

K         How about we both zip our mouths?



Q. <방세는 얼마인가요?>영어로 어떻게 표현할까요?

A.  How much is the rent?



K         I have a studio apartment available now.

S          How much is the rent?

K         One grand a month. And I’m available too.

S          Don’t force me to go out with you. I told you I’m taken.




Q. <내일까지 청구서 돈 내야 해> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  Pay the bill by tomorrow.

 K         Hey! They cut off the gas!

S          I’m sorry. I forgot to pay the bill.

K         We gotta do something.

S          A human’s fart is said to be inflammable enough to set a fire for the stove...  




Q. <오늘 날씨 어때?> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  What's the weather like?



K         What’s the weather like today?

S          Open the window and find it out yourself.

K         You’re not supposed to talk to your friend like that.

S          I’m talking to you like this because you’re not my friend! You’re the one for me!

K         I love you.

S          Ditto.




Q. <이게 사무실 열쇠야> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

A.  These are the keys to the office.


K         Detective! The hostage is locked up in the warehouse!

S          Where are the keys to the warehouse?

K         Theyre gone, sir.

S          We have no other choice but to use your head to break the door!

K         My head? Im not that smart, sir.

S          No! Literally use your head! Its as strong as a diamond






Q. <이게 사무실 열쇠야> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요

A. These are the keys to the office




K         Detective! The hostage is locked up in the warehouse!

S          Where are the keys to the warehouse?

K         Theyre gone, sir.

S          We have no other choice but to use your head to break the door!

K         My head? Im not that smart, sir.

S          No! Literally use your head! Its as strong as a diamond




Q. <그는 스펙이 좋아>영어로 올바르게 옮긴 것은?

A.  He has good qualifications.


K         Introduce yourself.

S          My name is Sun Kim.

K         Why should I hire you?

S          I have great qualifications. I went to EGG University and my major was radio hosting.

K         You’re hired.




Q. <난 벽난로가 있는 집을 샀어> 자연스러운 표현은?

A.  I bought a house with a fireplace.



K          You look so upset. Whats up?

S          I bought a house with a fireplace!

K          Thats nice. You should be happy.

S          But guess what! Its in the Sahara Desert!

K          A fireplace in the Sahara Desert? Dont tell me youre serious.

S          I got swindled



Q. <(경기에서) 난 널 이길 수 있어> 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

A.  I can beat you.



K          Hey, Mike Tyson! I can beat you. You’re nothing!

S          You can beat me? Try me!

K          Beating people like you is my middle name!

S          Put on your gloves and come and beat me! By the way, what’s your name?

K          My name is Alpha Go. I’m talking about a go match with you, not boxing.


'ENGLISH(영어) > English Conversation(영어회화)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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