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About the Ivy League Colleges (아이비 리그 대학++)

2019. 1. 28. 20:09


Brown University

45 Prospect Street
Providence, RI 02912
(401) 863-2378

  • Acceptance Rate: 9%
  • Enrollment: 6,200 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Social Sciences–23%
    • Biology–12%
    • Ethnic Studies–6%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT with writing, essay

Columbia University

1130 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
(212) 854-2522

  • Acceptance Rate: 7%
  • Enrollment: 6,200 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Engineering–22%
    • Social Sciences–20%
    • Biology–10%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT or ACT with writing, SAT Subject Tests, essay

Cornell University

410 Thurston Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850

  • Acceptance Rate: 14%
  • Enrollment: 14,300 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Engineering–16%
    • Business/Marketing–13%
    • Agriculture–13%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT or ACT with writing, essay

Dartmouth College

6016 McNutt Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 646-2875

  • Acceptance Rate: 12%
  • Enrollment: 4,100 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Social Sciences–43%
    • Biology–10%
    • Engineering –8%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT or ACT, SAT Subject Tests, essay

Harvard University

86 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-1551

  • Acceptance Rate: 6%
  • Enrollment: 6,650 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Social Sciences–32%
    • Biology–14%
    • History–9%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT or ACT, SAT Subject Tests, essay, interview

University of Pennsylvania

1 College Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104

  • Acceptance Rate: 10%
  • Enrollment: 9,750 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Business/Marketing–21%
    • Social Sciences–16%
    • Health Sciences–10%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT with writing, essay

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ 08544

  • Acceptance Rate: 7%
  • Enrollment: 5,260 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Social Sciences–26%
    • Engineering–20%
    • Biology–10%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT or ACT, SAT Subject Tests, essay

Yale University

149 Elm Street
New Haven, CT 06520
(203) 432-9300

  • Acceptance Rate: 6%
  • Enrollment: 5,400 undergraduates
  • Most Popular Majors:
    • Social Sciences–27%
    • biology–10%
    • Interdisciplinary Studies–8%
  • Admissions Requirements:
    SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT with writing, essay

About the Ivy League Colleges

The Ivy League colleges share high academic standards, historic pedigrees, and an athletic conference. But although the Ivies are often talked about as a group, each of the eight Ivy League colleges (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale), differ from each other in many significant respects including academic focus, number of undergraduates, and the feel and campus type.

The Ivy League schools also have different admissions criteria and standards, so a student’s chance of admission typically varies significantly from Ivy to Ivy. If you’re curious about which Ivies you are more likely to get into, Go4Ivy can calculate your chances of admission at the Ivy League colleges and other top schools.

아이비리그 대학들은 높은 학력, 역사적인 학력, 그리고 체육대회를 공유한다. 그러나 아이비리그 8개 대학(브라운, 컬럼비아, 코넬, 다트머스, 하버드, 펜, 프린스턴, 예일)은 집단으로 자주 거론되지만 학업 집중도, 학부생 수, 느낌과 캠퍼스 유형 등 여러 측면에서 서로 다르다.

아이비리그 학교들은 또한 입학 기준과 기준이 다르기 때문에, 전형적으로 학생들의 입학 가능성은 아이비에서 아이비까지 상당히 다르다. 만약 여러분이 어떤 아이비들에 더 잘 들어갈지 궁금하다면, Go4Ivy는 아이비리그 대학과 다른 일류 학교에 입학할 기회를 측정할 수 있다.

History of the Ivy League

The term Ivy League commonly refers to a group of eight, east-coast colleges and universities renowned for their high academic standards and significant history. These schools were some of the earliest American institutions founded: Harvard in 1636, Yale in 1701, Penn in 1740, Princeton in 1746, Columbia in 1754, Brown in 1764, Dartmouth in 1769 and Cornell in 1865.

Taken more literally, the Ivy League refers to the athletic conference in which the eight colleges' sports teams compete. The term 'Ivy League' was conceived in the 1930s by Stanley Woodward, a New York Herald Tribune sports writer. It was not until years later that an official coalition was actually formed by the universities.

In 1945, the presidents of each university created committees whose tasks were to establish athletic policies on issues like eligibility, budgets, and length of season play. These policies were (and still are) meant to balance scholarship and athletics. Although Ivy League sports teams compete in Division I athletics, the schools do not offer athletic scholarships and maintain the same academic standards for both athletes and non-athletes.

아이비리그란 용어는 일반적으로 높은 학업 수준과 중요한 역사로 유명한 동부의 8개 단과 대학들을 가리킨다. 이 학교들은 1636년 하버드, 1740년 예일대, 1740년 프린스턴대, 1764년 컬럼비아대, 1764년 브라운대, 1769년 다트머스대, 1865년 코넬대학을 설립했다.

더 정확히 말하면, 아이비리그는 8개 대학의 스포츠 팀들이 경쟁하는 운동 경기를 말한다. '아이비 리그'라는 용어는 1930년대에 뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴 스포츠 작가 스탠리 우드워드에 의해 고안되었다. 몇 년이 지난 후에야 대학들이 공식적인 연합을 결성했다.

1945년 각 대학의 총장들은 자격, 예산, 그리고 시즌 경기 기간과 같은 문제에 대한 운동 정책을 수립해야 하는 위원회를 설립했다. 이 정책들은 장학금과 운동 경기의 균형을 맞추기 위한 것이었다. 아이비리그 스포츠팀이 디비전1에서 경쟁하고 있지만, 이 학교들은 체육 장학금을 제공하지 않고 선수와 비 선수 모두에게 동일한 학업 기준을 유지한다