ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 6. 19. 11:15

Q. <실패에도 불구하고 포기하면 안 돼!> 영어로 어떻게 말할까요?

1. Despite of failure, you should never give up!

2. Despite failure, you should never give up!                      

3. In spite failure, you should never give up!

A. 2. Despite failure, you should never give up!







K: I failed it again....

S: Despite failure, you should never give up!

K: Yes! You’re right, you inspire me! I should stop crying, stand up, and play a recorder!

S: I never thought you were a frog!!


-I never thought~: ~할 줄 상상도 못했다.

-make a living: 돈을 벌다


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