ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 6. 12. 21:41


Q. <좋은 소식이 있어> 올바른 표현을 골라주세요.

1. I have good news.

2. I have a good news.

3. I have the good news.

A. 1. I have good news.





K         Hey, I have good news for you.

S          Shoot. What is it?

K         You know Jenny, right? She said she wants to go out with you.

S          I don’t believe she said that. Really?

K         For real! She literally wants to go out with you, right out of this building!



- news 앞에는 관사가 붙지 않습니다.

- Shoot. 말해봐.

- I’m shocked ~ .  ~ 때문에 깜짝 놀랐다.



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