ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2019. 3. 9. 11:43


Q. <그는 내가 집에 가라고 요구했다> 영어로 어떻게 표현하면 될까요?

1. He demanded me to go home.

2. He demanded I go home.

A. 2. He demanded I go home.



K: My wife always demands I do the dishes.

S: My wife, too. She always demands I do the laundry.

K: So does my wife. What can we do? She wears the pants in the house.

S: So does my wife. Cheers...

K: Cheers...

S: Bottoms up..

wear the pants: 주도권을 갖고 있다

I demand you + 동사원형: 네가 ~하기를 요구한다




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