ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2019. 1. 21. 20:14


Q. <그는 마음이 넓어> 영어로 어떻게 표현하면 될까요?

1. He has a wide mind.

2. He is so generous.

A. 2. He is so generous.



K : Im so starving.

S : Here. You can have my sandwich.

K : Really? Youre so generous. Thank you!

S : Dont mention it. By the way, thats gone bad a little bit.

K : It went bad? And you want me to eat this?

S : Hey. Don’t worry! Youll live. Trust your stomach.

it went bad!: (음식이) 상했다

you’ll live: 안 죽어~

you want me to~~? 내가 ~하길 원해?



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