ENGLISH(영어)/ Fairy Tale(동화)

The Little Match Girl

2019. 1. 24. 12:23


Na                     It was New Years Eve and dreadfully cold.

                           Snow was falling, and it was almost dark.

                           Evening came on, the last evening of the year.


소녀                  Matches... Please buy my matches....


Na.                     In the cold and gloom, a poor little girl, bareheaded and

                           barefoot, was walking through the streets.


소녀                   My feet are so cold... my face is so cold...

                           I wish I could sell just one box of matches...

                           Matches~~ Matches for sale~~

                           Kind sir, would you like a box of matches?


아저씨               No. Not interested.


소녀                   Maam... do you need matches?


아줌마               No! Please do not stand next to me.

See that? If you dont listen to your mother, youll be JUST like that girl! Shoeless on the street!


아이                  Yes, mother.


소녀                   Im so.. cold...


Na.                     Of course when she had left her house she'd had slippers on,

                           but what good had they been?

                           They were very big slippers, way too big for her,

                           for they belonged to her mother.

                           The little girl had lost them running across the road, where two

                           carriages had rattled by terribly fast.


소녀                   Oh no, my slippers!!


Na.                     One slipper she'd not been able to find again, and a boy had

                           run off with the other, saying he could use it very well as

                           a cradle some day when he had children of his own.


소녀                   Oh my feet are so very cold! And mom, she’s is going to be very

                           mad at me for losing her shoes....


Na.                    The little girl walked on her naked feet, which were quite

                           red and blue with the cold.

                           In an old apron she carried several packages of matches, and

                           she held a box of them in her hand.

                           No one had bought any from her all day long, and no one had

                           given her a cent.


소녀                   I wish I could just sell one box. I cant go home before I sell at least one box.


Na.                     Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along, a picture of

                           misery, poor little girl!

                           The snowflakes fell on her long fair hair, which hung in pretty

                           curls over her neck.




Na.                     In all the windows, lights were shining, and there was

                           a wonderful smell of roast goose, for it was New Year's eve.


소녀                   Its New Years Eve and everyone is celebrating...

                           Roast goose.... yum.... that family looks so happy...


Na.                     In a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected

                           farther out into the street than the other, she sat down and

                           drew up her little feet under her.


소녀                   I will just rest here for a moment...


Na.                     She was getting colder and colder, but did not dare to go

                           home, for she had not sold matches, nor earned a single cent,

                           and her father would surely beat her.


아버지             Are you serious? You were out for HOURS and you brought nothing home?? What were you doing out there???

                           Go back out and sell some matches!!


Na.                     Besides, it was cold at home, for they had nothing over them

                           but a roof through which the wind whistled even though the

                           biggest cracks had been stuffed with straw and rags.


어머니               Oh this house! What terrible state its in!

                           Now, YOU! You go back out and sell some matches!


Na.                     The little girls hands were almost dead with cold.

                           Then she suddenly remembered,


소녀                   My matches! I will strike the match on the side of this building,

                           and its flame will warm up my hands.


Na.                     She drew one out and struck it.


Na.                     How it sputtered and burned! It made a warm, bright flame,

                           like a little candle, as she held her hands over it;


소녀                   Ahhh... it’s so warm...


Na.                     But it gave a strange light!

                           It really seemed to the little girl as if she were sitting before

                           a great iron stove with shining brass knobs and a brass cover.


소녀                   How wonderfully the fire burned! How comfortable it was!


Na.                    The youngster stretched out her feet to warm them too;

                           then the little flame went out, the stove vanished,

                           and she had only the remains of the burnt match in her hand.


소녀                   ... Im cold again...




Na.                     She struck another match against the wall.


소녀                   it’s so warm..따뜻해


Na.                     It burned brightly, and when the light fell upon the wall

                           it became transparent like a thin veil..


소녀                   Huh... whats that...?


Na.                     and she could see through it into a room.

                           On the table a snow-white cloth was spread, and on it stood

                           a shining dinner service.


소녀                   Wow.... that looks delicious...Look at that roast goose! And the apples and prunes! It is a feast fit for a king!


Na.                     And what was still better, the goose jumped down from the dish

                           and waddled along the floor with a knife and fork in its breast,

                           right over to the little girl.


소녀                   Silly goose! Look at it waddling around!


소녀                   Oh, my match! How quickly they burn...

                           And as soon as the flame goes out, the wonderful sights disappear...


Na.                     After the match went out, and she could see only the thick, cold wall.


소녀                   Maybe... I will light just one more...?

                           But that means... I wont have many matches to sell...

                           Hmm.... But Im so cold... okay, Ill light one more.


Na.                     She lit another match.

                           Then she was sitting under the most beautiful Christmas tree.


소녀                   Wow...! Its the loveliest Christmas tree that Ive ever seen! Wow...!


Na.                     It was much larger and much more beautiful than the one she

                           had seen last Christmas through the glass door at the rich

                           merchant's home. Thousands of candles burned on the green

                           branches, and colored pictures like those in the printshops

                           looked down at her.


소녀                   So... beautiful... I wish I could -- oh!


Na.                     The little girl reached both her hands toward them.

                           Then the match went out.


소녀                   Oh no... my match!


Na.                     But the Christmas lights continued to mount higher.

                           She saw them now as bright stars in the sky.

                           One of them fell down, forming a long line of fire...


소녀                   A star just fell from the sky... what does that mean again?

                           That a soul would be taken...?





소녀                   I miss grandma...


Na.                     The little girl thought of her old grandmother,

                           the only person who had loved her,

                           and who was now dead, had told her that when

                           a star fell down a soul went up to God.


소녀                   Thats right. Grandma told me that a soul would be lost

                           when a star falls in the sky...

                           I remember Grandma, I remember...

                           Grandma, its so cold... so cold..


Na.                     She rubbed another match against the wall.


Na.                     It became bright again, and in the glow the old grandmother

                           stood clear and shining, kind and lovely.


소녀                   Grandma!! Is that you? Yes, it is!!

                           Grandma, I missed you so much!

                           Take me with you! I know you will disappear when the

                           match is burned out. You will vanish like the warm stove,

                           the wonderful roast goose and the beautiful big Christmas tree!


Na.                     Then she quickly struck the whole bundle of matches, for

                           she wished to keep her grandmother with her.


Na.                     And the matches burned with such a glow that it became

                           brighter than daylight.

                           Her grandmother had never looked so grand and beautiful.


소녀                   Grandma, you look lovely...

                           Grandma, Im so cold... can you hold me?


할머니               Come here, my child. You are shivering!

                           And your hands... your hands are frozen. My poor little girl...


소녀                   Grandma.... I miss you Grandma...


Na.                     She took the little girl in her arms, and both of them flew in

                           brightness and joy above the earth, very, very high, and up there

                           was neither cold, nor hunger, nor fear-they were with God.


Na.                     But in the corner, leaning against the wall, sat the little girl with

                           red cheeks and smiling mouth, frozen to death on the last

                           evening of the old year.

                           The New Year's sun rose upon a little pathetic figure.


행인1                 What is this?? What happened here??


행인2                 It looks like a little girl...


Na.                     The child sat there, stiff and cold, holding the matches, of which

                           one bundle was almost burned.


행인1                 Look... look here. she tried to warm herself with those matches...

                           Poor little thing...


행인2                 Is that the girl who was selling matches yesterday?


행인1                 She should have gone home!


행인2                 She doesnt even have shoes on... How cold she mustve been...


Na.                    The people looked at her with pity and concern,

                           but no one could imagine what beautiful things she had seen,

                           and how happily she had gone with her old grandmother into

                           the bright New Year.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Dreadful: 겁나게

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Cold: 춥다

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Gloomy: 우중충한

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Rag: 걸레, 오래된

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Sputtered: (불꽃 따위가) 불규칙적으로 튀다

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Bare foot: 맨발인

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Waddle: 뒤뚱 뒤뚱 걷다

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Mount higher: 쌓이다, 커지다, 높아지다

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Veil: 베일

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Stiff: 딱딱하다

<!--[if !supportLists]-->l  Pathetic: 측은한, 못낫다

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