ENGLISH(영어)/ Fairy Tale(동화)

The Three Little Pigs-EBS편

2018. 11. 30. 12:03

The Three Little Pigs

Narration       The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three happy little pigs.

       One day their mother said,


엄마        Dearest sons, you are old enough and big enough to leave home and start your own life. Be wise and take good care of yourselves and of each other.


돼지들           No, no, mama. We want to live with you. No, no, we wont go!


돼지2   Or... well go if you give us money.

돼지1   Yeah! You are responsible for our well-being!


엄마    You two are the oldest! Act like it!

                       [sigh] I worry about you.


돼지3    Dont worry, mama. We will build some nice, strong houses to live in.


Na.      So the three pigs left home and they decided to build a house, and set off to the brickworks to buy some bricks.

But soon the three little pigs came across a Man carrying a bundle of straw.The first little pig said to himself:


돼지1  Now I wont need to walk so far to the brickworks! Id much rather do less work, and then spend the rest of my afternoon relaxing.

Na.      So the first little pig said to the Man carrying straw:


돼지1   Please, Man, give me that straw to build me a house.


Na.  The Man did, and the little Pig quickly built a house with it right

           where he stood.


돼지1  Straw here... a little straw there... No problem.

                       This is a piece of cake!


Na.      and then settled down and prepared to have a sleep

           for the rest of the afternoon.

        Presently came along a Wolf, and knocked at the door, and said,


늑대     Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in.


Na.      To which the Pig answered,


돼지1   No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin.


늑대     Then Ill huff and Ill puff, and Ill blow your house in!


Na.      So he huffed and he puffed, and he blew his house in.


Na.      Alas! Because the house had not been very well made, it fell down.

           And the little pig squealed and ran away.


돼지1    Save me, save me, save me by the hair of my chinny chin chin!


Na.      Meanwhile the second and third Pig were still on their way to the

           brickworks. When they passed a Man with a bundle of sticks,

           the second little Pig said to himself:

돼지2     Now I wont need to walk so far to the brickworks!

Sticks are stronger than straw I think theyll do the job,

but anyway, Im tired now. Id much rather do less work

and then spend the rest of my afternoon relaxing.


Na.      So the second little pig said to the Man carrying the sticks:


돼지2    Please, Man, give me those sticks to build me a house.


Na.      The Man did, and the little Pig quickly built a house with it right where

           he stood.


돼지2   Hehehe... Not bad. MY house looks good!


Na.      And then he settled down and prepared to have a sleep for the

           rest of the afternoon. Then along came the Wolf...


늑대    Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in.


돼지2   No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin.


늑대   Then Ill puff and Ill huff, and Ill blow your house in!


바람... (입으로 부는)

  부서져 날아가는 (앞에 보다 강도 조금 세게)


Na.     So he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down. The second little Pig squealed and ran away, too.


돼지2   Save me, save me, save me by the hair of my chiny chin chin!


Na.      Finally the third little Pig reached the brickworks, where he met a Man with a load of bricks.


돼지3       Please, Man, give me those bricks to build a house with.


Na.      The Man kindly gave him the bricks, and he built his house with them a little way over, carefully, and taking the time to do it well.

So the Wolf came, as he did to the other little Pigs..


늑대                    Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in.


돼지3               No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin.


늑대                 Then Ill huff and Ill puff, and Ill blow your house in.


Na.      Well, he huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed,

           and he puffed and he huffed;


늑대     ... !!!!!!!!! 헥헥...


Na.      but he could not get the house down. When he found that he

           could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down. The Wolf then, had a very good idea.


늑대                 Little Pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips.


돼지3               Where?


돼지                 Oh, in Mr. Smiths home-field; and if you will be ready to-morrow morning, I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner.


돼지3               Very well~ I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?


늑대                 Oh, at six oclock.


Na.      Well, the little Pig got up at five, and got the turnips and was home again before six. When the Wolf came he said,


늑대                 Little Pig, are you ready?


돼지3               Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice

                       pot-full for dinner.


늑대                 WHAAAT?? You already went? No, no, no, no, no!!!!

                       That was not the plan!!


Na.      The Wolf felt very angry!!!! Oh... poor little pig...


Na.      The wolf thought that he would be up to the little Pig somehow

           or other; so he said...


늑대(Sun)         Little Pig, I know where there is a nice apple-tree.


돼지3(Kris)        Where?


늑대                 Down at Merry-garden.

                       And if you will not deceive me I will come for you,

                       at five oclock to-morrow, and we will go together and get some



돼지3               Apples? Yummy....!!



Na.      Well, the little Pig woke at four the next morning, and bustled up,

           and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the Wolf came;


돼지3               La la la~~ Tra la la~~ Im going to get some apples all by myself!


Na.      But he had farther to go, and had to climb the tree,

           so that just as he was coming down from it..


늑대     HA! You pig. You cant trick me again!


Na.     the little Pig saw the Wolf coming, which, as you may suppose,

           frightened him very much.


돼지3               으아... go away!!! [lighbulb] Ah-ha! Ill use my apples.


Na.      The Wolf came up.


늑대                 Little Pig, what! are you here before me? Are they nice apples?


돼지3               Yes, very~ I will throw you down one.


Na.      And he threw it so far that, while the Wolf was gone to pick it up,

           the little Pig jumped down and ran home.


돼지3              헥헥... Catch me~~ if you can~~

돼지3               Phew! Im alive. He didnt catch me~~

Na.      The next day the Wolf came again, and said to the little Pig


늑대                 Little Pig, there is a Fair in the Town this afternoon, will you go?


돼지3               Oh, yes...I will go; what time shall you be ready?


늑대                 At three


Na.      So the little Pig went off before the time, as usual, and got to the Fair,

           and bought a butter churn, and was on his way home with it when

           he saw the Wolf coming. Then he could not tell what to do.


돼지3     Oh no...! [lighbulb] Ah-ha! I will get in this churn and then, I will get HIM.


Na.     He got into the churn to hide, and in doing so turned it round,

           and it began to roll, and rolled down the hill with the Pig inside it,

           which frightened the Wolf so much that he ran home without going to

           the Fair.


늑대                 으아아아아아악.. Get me outta here!!!!


Na.      He went to the little Pigs house, and told him how frightened he had

           been by a great round thing which came down the hill past him.


늑대                 Little pig. I saw something so scary!

                      This big, round thing. Going SO FAST. Trying to chase me!


Na.      Then the little Pig said..


돼지3               Hah! I frightened you, did I? I had been to the Fair and bought

                       a butter churn, and when I saw you I got into it, and rolled

                       down the hill.


Na.      Then the Wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up

           the little Pig.


늑대     You stupid pig! I will EAT. YOU. UUUUUP!!!!


Na.      And that he would get down the chimney after him.

           There was a pot of boiling water simmering away on the fire.

Na.      The big bad wolf.... fell into the hot pot and... he died.


늑대                 꾸에엑---- 꾀꼬닥..


Na.      And the first and second little pigs who ran away from the Wolf,

           joined their brother in his house. They understood their brother's

           lesson and decided not to be lazy any more.

           The very next day they built houses of bricks. The three lived happily every after, safe and sound in their little brick houses.        


[오늘의 표현]

start your own life 자신만의 인생을 시작하다

* came across 느껴지다

* a bundle of straw 짚단

* said to himself 혼잣말을 하다

* Id much rather~ 차라리 ~하겠다

No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin. (내 수염이 살아있는 한절대로 안돼!

* huff / puff 씩씩거리다

* squeal 꽤액 소리를 지르다

* fell down 넘어지다* bricks 벽돌들

* turnips , 순무

* bustle up 서두르다

* as you may suppose 짐작했을지도 모르겠지만

* frighten 겁먹게 만들다

* a butter churn 버터 만드는 회전식 기구

* roll down the hill 언덕을 굴러 내려가다

* simmering 꿇고 있는

* safe and sound 안전하다

'ENGLISH(영어) > Fairy Tale(동화)' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Little Match Girl  (0) 2019.01.24