ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 9. 3. 17:22


Q. <이거 내거랑 같네> 영어로 적절하게 표현한 것은?

1. This is the same for mine.

2. This is the same as mine.

3. This is the as same as mine.

A. 2. This is the same as mine.



K : I bought a chopper. What do you think?

S : How nice! This is the same as mine!

K : I bought this after Tom Cruise totaled it in the Himalayas.

S : I know. Mine is the one that the bad guy was riding. He died!

K : That guy couldve blown up the whole world...

S: But he didn’t!


chopper: (속어) 헬리콥터

could have p.p.: ~할 수 도 있었어!



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