ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 9. 3. 17:43


Q. <목적지에 도착하고 있다> 올바른 표현을 골라주세요.

1. Were approaching the destination.

2. Were approaching to the destination.

3. Were approaching towards the destination.

A. 1. Were approaching the destination.




K: Are you my dad?

S: I’m your friend.

K: Oh! How far is the destination from here?

S: Hang on. Were approaching the destination. Hold on!

K: I dont think I can hold it anymore!

S: Hang in there, brother! The toilet is only three steps away from here!

K: Its too late... I feel so relieved...


I don’t think I can + 동사: ~하지 못할 것 같아요.

I don’t think I can make it by 3 pm. 세시 까지 못 갈 것 같아요.



'ENGLISH(영어) > English Conversation(영어회화)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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