ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 7. 16. 18:44


Q. <난 네가 규칙을 지키길 요구한다!>영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?

1. I demand you follow the rules!

2. I demand you to follow the rules!

3. I demand you following the rules!

A. 1. I demand you follow the rules!





K: What? Are you kidding me? You havent finished your drink.

S: Take it easy. Dont force me to knock back my drink.

K: I demand you follow the rules! This is my house. You follow the rules in y house. Bottoms up!

S: Hey, who made those stupid rules?

K: Bacchus! The god of alcohol!



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