ENGLISH(영어)/English Conversation(영어회화)


2018. 5. 18. 10:32


Q. <이 생선의 유효기간이 1주일이야> 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요?

1. This fish is valid for one week.

2. This fish is good for one week.

3. This fish is valuable for one week.

A. 2. This fish is good for one week.




K         If I were you, I wouldn't eat that raw fish. It went bad long time ago.

S          No, they said it's good for one week.

K         Those liars! What's the name of the restaurant?

S          Umm... It's called "Finding Nemo' in the fish market. They love fish! We can trust them.

K         They love fish and kill them, too?



- valid (법적) 유효기간 내의

- good (음식이) 유효기간 내의

- If I were you, I would ~   내가 너라면, ~ 할거야.


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